Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Client: Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS), Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project (BRBIP)
Date: June 2010 – Dec. 2015
The Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project (BRBIP) builds on the general public’s desire to restore the river environment in Kathmandu Valley and the Government’s efforts to mitigate the impact of water-induced disasters in the middle and lower reaches of the basin. The Project adopts the principles of integrated water resources management (IWRM) and provides Nepal with its first opportunity to apply this policy element since its adoption under 2005 national water plan. The BRBIP impact will be increased water security in the Bagmati River Basin (BRB). The outcome will be improved river health and flood management. Under the BRBIP, this Project aims for improving information management for Decision Support System, Flood forecasting and Early Warning System (FF-EWS) and Water quality monitoring system, and prepare BRB Integrated Development Master Plan. Objective of the Project
· Establish systems and capacity for integrated and participatory river basin management
· Develop Decision Support System (DSS) and flood early warning system (FF-EWS) in BRB
· Improve water quality monitoring in BRB
· prepare a 20-year BRB Integrated Water Resources Development Master Plan (IWRDMP)
Components of the Project
· Task1: Decision Support System (DSS)
· Task2: Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System (FFEWS)
· Task3: Water Quality Monitoring System (WQM)
Task4: Integrated Water Resources Development Master Plan (IRBDMP)
Overall Services provided:
Total Management Services P. Ltd (TMS) as an associate firm is responsible to provide following services:
Task – 1: Development of the Decision Support System (DSS)
· DSS Model Conceptualization and specification: Needs assessment on current DSS of WECS/DHM, overall structure of modeling framework and tools, Specifications for upgrade of the existing WECS information system.
· Database Development: Purchase Plan of DSS hard & software: Preparation of specifications, Formats, framework and procurement plan; Development of database, Development of DSS interfaces to GIS based modelling application and simulation/optimization tools Population of databases
· Rainfall Runoff Model & River Basin Model Development: Development of Rainfall-Runnoff Model, Developement of River Basin Model and Validation of Models and Scenario Generation
· Corporate DSS Development: Development of DSS demo versions, Testing of DSS modules and general DSS functionality and Interaction with stakeholders and refinement of Corporate DSS
· Professional DSS Development (Customization for Bagamati for basin/sub basins): Customization of DSS for Bagamati basin/sub-basin level, Demonstration of customized Professional DSS to implementing agencies/stakeholders including interaction/refinement with Bagmati stakeholders and interim reporting on customized Professional DSS for Bagamti basin/sub-basin level
· DSS Application and Demonstration: Application of customized Professional DSS for Bagamti basin and Demonstration of operational capabilities of customized Professional DSS for Bagamti basin
· Dissemination/ training and outreach Plan including stakeholder involvement scheme: Organization of training programs and study tours overseas, Organization of regular interaction with implementing agencies and stakeholder —structure/procedure is important.necessary to breakdown and Dissemination of DSS through training/seminar/symposia/workshops/conference including preparation for stakeholders involvement scheme
Task – 2: Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System (FFEWS)
· Review of network and data acquisition system/identification of improvement activities: Review of existing forecast system for on-line data assimilation capacity and coverage, Identifying any additions to hydro-meteorological network in the developed forecast system in 2011, Identifying incorporation of new hydro-meteorological stations in the data assimilation network, Identifying new flood forecast system so as to cover all flood prone in Bagmati basin
· Review of DHM forecasting capacity/identification of necessary flood forecasting tools: Review of existing weather and hydrological forecasting models and procedures of data acquisition, Review of DHM human resources and computer hardware/software available, Identification of numerical weather models and satellite based rainfall forecasts for the flood forecast, Identification of update of MIKE 11model and communication facilities