Funding Agency: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Client: Solid Waste Management Technical Support Center (SWMTSC)
Date: January 2015 – June 2017
The project aims to improve the quality and financial sustainability of SWM services in participating municipalities, through an output-based subsidy scheme. The project is designed to provide incentives to enable the gradual development of a beneficiary charging mechanism for SWM service to enhance financial sustainability improve service quality and enable expansion of SWM service coverage. The project has three components as below:
- Component I – Service delivery subsidy
- Component 2 – Implementation support to participating municipalities
- Component 3 – Project management, monitoring, evaluation and communications
Overall Services provided:
Total Management Services Pvt. Ltd. is liable to assist in the following services:
- Project Management Service: prepare a detailed action plan to expedite project implementation, Procurement and communication support for the project, Assist SWMTSC and TDF to build partnerships with other agencies and development partners working in the solid waste sector, etc.
- Technical Assistance Services: Guiding and advising municipalities on project implementation and assisting in managing TPIAs between SWMTSC, TDF and participating municipalities, Assist SWMTSC and TDF in reviewing reports, manuals and other outputs prepared by specialist technical consultants, Independent Technical Verification Agent (ITVA), Independent Financial Verification Agent (IFVA) and as well as from participating municipalities etc.
- Monitoring and Evaluation service: Review M&E needs of the project and prepare an M&E action plan, Develop a simple M&E database and processes to track the performance of the OBA project, Prepare Terms of Reference for specific project evaluation studies, Coordinate, ensure and review verification reports submitted by ITVA etc.