
Dalit Empowerment and Inclusion Project (DEIP)

Funding Agency/Client: Dalit NGO Federation (DNF), Nepal
Date:  Sep 2003 – Aug 2006

Goal: Increased Dalit Participation in socioeconomic and political processes;

Purpose: National-level Dalit organizations better able to impact and achieve the Dalit agenda through empowerment and integration;

Project Outputs: The Project Document prepared by DNF identifies the following four as the main outputs from this project.

  1. National Dalit organisations better managed and resourced and facilitating enhanced management of local DNGOs;
  2. National Dalit organisations effectively facilitating Dalit mainstreaming through advocacy and education programmes, both themselves and through local DNGOs;
  3. National Dalit organisations effectively facilitating social, political and economic empowerment and integration programmes, mainly through local DNGOs;
  4. National Dalit organisations better able to represent Dalit views and issues to government, political parties, donors, other decision makers and the media;

Key Activities: The following are the key activities of the project on a broad agenda:

A. Management activities:

  1. Organizational Assessment;
  2. Training needs assessment;
  3. Management Training;

B. Advocacy activities:

  1. Advocacy Strategy;
  2. Advocacy skill training;

C. Empowerment and Integration activities:

  1. Integration Research;
  2. ToT;

Overall Services provided by the firm:

TMS being the Implementing Agency of the Project had the overall responsibility of the project including project management and monitoring and evaluation. TMS provided all management-related services a technical project team and overall logistic management/administrative support services.