
Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Document Preparation, and Construction Supervision and Contract Management of Access Road Construction for Upper Arun Hydroelectric Project- PHASE II

Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Client: Nepal Electricity Authority
Date: April 2023 – April 2028

The main features of the project are:

  • 22 KM long access road that starts from Gola (proposed powerhouse site of UAHEP, near Barun Bazar) to Chepuwa (proposed dam site of UAHEP) including about 2 km long road tunnel,
  • 4 KM long access road to IKHPP joining the nearest point of Koshi Highway which is under construction by GoN to the proposed road bridge over the Arun River
  • Two bridges over the Arun River (one at Gola for UAHEP and another at Uwa Gaun for IKHPP) from the nearest point of Koshi Highway which is under construction by GoN and other civil works.

The scope of work of consulting services for Phase II will include, but not be limited to following:

A.       Construction Supervision & Contract Management

The Consultant shall provide complete Construction Supervision and contract management of new access road construction and Post-Construction activities for the construction of the Access Road including Bridges and Road Tunnel. The consultant’s services shall include but not be limited to the services as stated below:

  • Discharge the Engineer’s duties in the administration of contracts and supervision of construction activities.
  • Prepare suitable standard formats and establish effective and efficient documentation and reporting procedure for contract administration, monitoring of schedules, and quality assurances of the construction works.
  • Assist the contractor in carrying out additional survey work to provide adequate control points and reference points to the contractor for setting out the services to be carried out by the contractor.
  • Check and approve the setting out of the works undertaken by the contractors on the basis of the control/reference points.
  • Recommend for approval and issue working drawings/construction drawings.
  • Obtain, Check, and approve the contractor's resource-based work program, resource plan, method statements for quality assurance and material sources.
  • Check the adequacy of contractor facilities at the site and the capability of their staff to perform the contract.
  • Check and monitor the contractor’s labour camp facilities so as to meet the provisions of the contract and Environmental and Social Management Framework(ESMF) requirements.
  • Ensure that the approved drawings and documents are implemented.
  • Ensure that all borrow pits are operated and reinstated according to the EIA requirements.
  • Identify environmentally safe tipping areas for the surplus mass of evacuated or any other material in addition to that specified in the design specification.
  • Ensure that the contractor removes all installations and surplus materials and leaves the site in clean and original condition.
  • If and where required develop and monitor Resettlement Action Plan Implementation in accordance with EIA requirements.
  • Assist the employer in implementing, monitoring and ensuring the compliance of the approved land acquisition and resettlement action plan, if required.
  • Inspection, including sample testing, where required, of all materials and workmanship to ensure that they comply with the specifications and design. Recommend actions to be taken and issuing of notices to the contractors for correction of any defects or deficiencies observed during the inspections.
  • Assist the employer in the relocation of utilities to be carried out during construction.
  • Closely monitor and evaluate project progress and ensure that the works are executed on schedule and meet the established standard of performance and quality. To keep the project implementation adherence strictly to the planned schedule, prepare quarterly reports in accordance with financial management system requirements for the project and suggest measures to overcome implementation difficulties to the employer.
  • Certification and acceptance of each part of work completed by the contractors.
  • Provide recommendations to the employer regarding the required modifications/additions/deletions in designs and specifications during construction.
  • Measurement of quantities of approved and accepted work & materials, Checking and recommendation of the contractor’s payment certificates for payment.
  • Periodic changes of contract quantities and a constant check on the cost variation including a quarterly updating of monthly cash flow projections.
  • Maintain appropriate records, correspondence, and diaries during construction for efficient supervision and post-construction for a sufficient period of time to assist the employer in processing the contractor’s claims/disputes, if any.
  • Assess and examine the contractor’s claims and provide an interpretation of related contract provisions to arrive at a suitable decision with regard to the claim.
  • Agreement of monthly progress meeting with Employer and contractor.

 B.       Completion of the construction works/Defects Notification Period(DNP)

The scope of consulting services on completion of the services and during the contractual defect’s notification period to be provided by the consultant shall comprise but not be limited to the following tasks:

  • The consultant, upon completion of the construction works to the satisfaction of the employer, shall recommend to the employer for the issuance of the taking over certificate(TOC).
  • Supervision of routine maintenance works as per the provision of the contract during the Defect’s Notification Period.
  • Carrying out inspection of the completed works at appropriate intervals to note down any defects and issue instructions to the contractor for the rectification of the defective works and ensuring that the contractors are carrying out their contractual obligations in respect of maintenance, repair, and reconstruction of the works.
  • Shortly before the end of the Defects Notification Period, the consultants shall carry out a thorough inspection of the
  • Structures and other construction works and designate the rectification work to be done and supervise the rectification works. Once all the designated rectification work is completed to the employer’s satisfaction the consultant shall recommend issuing the Certificate of Final Acceptance.
  • Submission of “As-Built” drawings showing details of changes from the original plans in construction details or materials, drainage, utilities, etc. The responsibilities for checking and certifying precise and correct “As-Built” drawings submitted by the contractor will lie on that consultant. The consultant shall make cost provisions for the final print of the checked drawings. Six copies of the approved As-built drawings and an electronic soft copy shall be enclosed in the Project Completion Report and shall be submitted to the Employer.