Funding Agency: National Center for Education Development (NCED)/ Ministry of Education and Sports
Client: National Center for Education Development (NCED)/ Ministry of Education and Sports
Date: 2004-2009
The Project is a follow-up to the ADB’s first primary education sector development project. It aims to establish an effective and sustainable teacher education system for primary education.
The project will address to the key issues in basic education like equity and access, quality of basic education and teacher training, focusing on improving their instructional skills and their capabilities.
The purpose of the project is to: i) build the capacity for policy, planning, management and delivery of teacher training ii) Enhance professional skills of teachers and trainers. iii) Promote representation of females and other disadvantaged groups in teaching cadre and improve access to basic education for these groups.
Long Term Objectives:
Assist the government in improving the quality and efficiency of and access to basic education through provision of better-qualified teachers;
Specific Objectives:
TEP Strategies:
Scope of the Project:
Component-1: Building an Effective and sustainable system of teacher education;
Component-2: Developing Effective teacher education curriculum and materials;
Component-3: Providing teacher and management training;
Component-4: Serving girls and disadvantaged group;
Overall Services provided by firm:
Overall project management, Consultant mobilization, Planning, Organization and coordination, Quality control, Monitoring, Logistics and administrative support.