
Loan No.- 2111 NEP - Skills for Employment Project – Training MIS Design and Development

Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Client: Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training
Date:  Dec 2007 – July 2009

Skills for Employment Project, Project Implementation Unit developed Training Management Information System to collect, store, and analyze information on the skill training programs supported by the project that would minimize the duplication of works of stakeholders in skill training. Further it also focused on capacitating the CTEVT professionals for process re-engineering and ultimately its advantage in autonomous manage of TMIS of CTEVT approval training institution.

Outputs of the Project:

Training Management Information System (TMIS) will collect, store, and analyze information on the skill training programs supported by the project. The database would include information relating to the skill training programs, its training provider, trainees’ socio-economic situation, and trainees’ performance in the program. And ultimately helps in overall institutional development.

Overall Services provided by firm:

TMS was responsible for overall project i.e. designing and developing Training Management Information System (TMIS) to collect, store, and analyze information on the skill training programs supported by the project. Operational level trainings were also provided to TMIS users in various districts of Nepal.TMS was responsible for overall project i.e. designing and developing Training Management Information System (TMIS) to collect, store, and analyze information on the skill training programs supported by the project. Operational level trainings were also provided to TMIS users in various districts of Nepal.