Program to Promote Accountability in Nepal (PRAN) is an initiative of the World Bank to promote demand-side engagement for better governance, and improved transparency, accountability and risk mitigation. PRAN is a program designed to provide practical training, action learning, and networking opportunities aimed at developing the capacities of civil society and government actors to promote social accountability in Nepal. While PRAN will support strategies to promote social accountability across all sectors in Nepal, it has agreed on three areas of work to which it gives priority: Public Financial Management; Municipal Governance, and community-based M&E of Public Services delivery.
PRAN has 4 components –(i) A Grant Making for Action Learning facility; ii) Training, Mentoring and Awareness Raising; iii) Monitoring, Impact Evaluation and Learning; and (iv) Project Leadership and Administration. One of the components - Monitoring, Impact Evaluation and Learning shall have a national research institute (NRI) which will be commissioned to: 1) conduct research and special studies to inform and support the implementation of PRAN activities, 2) conduct independent monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the PRAN and PRAN supported activities, and 2) collect evidence and distil relevant lessons about the impact of demand-side activities in the context of Nepal, ensuring learning-by-doing among SA practitioners.
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TMS will act as the National Research Institute and will be responsible for M&E and Research activities under PRAN. Specifically, TMS will conduct a baseline assessment, prepare an M&E framework for PRAN, and conduct special studies and case studies on PRAN areas: Public Financial Management; Municipal Governance, and Community-based M&E of Public Services delivery and prepare learning notes.