
Production of an Audiovisual Documentary Followed by Impact Assessment of European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights (EIDHR) in Nepal

Funding Agency/Client: European Unioun
Date:  Jul 2013 – Aug 2014

The overall objective of the assignment was to increase the visibility of the EU Delegation to Nepal’s External development cooperation activities in the field of Human Rights and Democracy. For this, sixteen projects were evaluated for their impact and a documentary was produced reflecting those impacts. The impact study was carried out from the perspective of relevancy, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. Tools used for evaluation consisted of but not limited to focused group discussions, semi-structured questionnaires for key informant interview and cursor survey. Based on the evaluation report thus prepared, script was developed which is replicated in the documentary.

Overall Services provided by firm:

TMS was responsible for overall project management, monitoring and evaluation of the project. The scope of work consisted of field survey using various tools for impact evaluation followed by documentary production. Qualitative impact evaluation tools was developed and used for this and ultimately a high quality one hour long documentary was produced along with a fifteen minutes synopsis of the documentary.