Assessing the Social Impacts of Rural Energy Services – WB


Funding Agency/Client: World Bank
Date:  Oct 2008 – Sep 2009

One of the key purposes of this study is to evaluate the development impacts of initiatives supporting micro-hydro schemes and to find ways to further enhance these impacts to the broader community. The broad objective of this knowledge product is to operationalize an M&E framework for the micro-hydro schemes that can be executed on a sustainable basis by Alternate Energy Promotion Center (AEPC). Complementing this goal, the study will also facilitate an improved understanding of the developmental and poverty reduction impacts of rural electrification particularly using alternative energy sources in remote areas. Specifically, the studies objectives are three-fold (1) quantify the impacts into intermediate and final indicators as a way to establish causality. These indicators will be tangible, monitorable, and easy to collect, (2) collect evidence on load growth in the micro-hydro communities to establish the future investment needs, and (3) develop institutional capacity to manage results on a systematic basis and assess capacity to organize alternative energy projects in rural communities.

Overall Services provided by firm:

1) A systematic M&E framework to assess the development impact of micro hydro Schemes.

  1. M&E framework development
  2. Impact evaluation

2) Updated the business Plan for AEPC

 3) Consultation with Clients and other Stakeholders