Assessment of Mountain Hydrogeology for Sustainable Exploitation of Groundwater, Sindhupalchowk and Ramechhap (WRRDC/RFP/01/077-78)


Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Client: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: March 2021 – June 2021

The Water Resources Research and Development Centre (WRRDC), is intended to carry out this project to decipher the exact location of groundwater occurrences, storage, flow direction, and flow pattern details geological and hydrogeological investigation.

 The main objectives of the study are to:

  1. Delineate groundwater potential zones in the proposed area
  2. Estimate present groundwater recharge condition. Assess and purpose the recharge potential of the mountain aquifer systems and a mechanism to maximize the recharge
  3.  Propose seasonal groundwater extraction from the wells.

Overall Services provided:

The services are divided into two main categories, namely data collection and data analysis, which are briefly described below:

    1. ·     Geology of the area

    4.1 Data Collection

    A. Various data will be collected during the desk study phase as well as from the fieldwork. These are briefly listed below:

    • Collect and review the relevant previously published/unpublished reports, maps, images, aerial photos, etc. and its analyses
    • Digital topographic map of DOS (Recent DEM if available)
    • Precipitation data from DHM

     B. Fieldwork will be carried out at the selected site to collect the following data:

    • Geology of the area
    • Available springs and seepage in the area
    • Site-specific geological conditions around the springs
    • Major discontinuities in the area
    • The present condition of drinking/irrigation water availability
    • The major source of drinking/irrigation water
    • Socio-economic data

    4.2 Data Analysis

    A. The data collected during the desk study phase and field investigation shall be stored in the GIS environment to ease the data analysis work leading to the preparation of the groundwater potential map of the area.

    • Topographical control on groundwater flow and availability
    • Geomorphological control on groundwater availability
    • Effect of land use condition on groundwater availability
    • Propose a suitable method for groundwater potential mapping
    • Analyze the hydro-meteorological data for estimation of groundwater recharge
    • Identify prominent parameters for groundwater potential mapping and groundwater recharge assessment
    • Identify the water demand and supply conditions in the area
    • Recommend suitable sites for geophysical study for recommending the possible well drilling site.