Community Based Water Supply and Sanitation Project (CBWSSP) : Package I for the Pilot Batch


Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Client: : Department Of Water Supply and Sewerage, Nepal
Date:  Aug 2006 – Jun 2010

The Overall objective of the project was to expand the coverage of improved water supply and sanitation facilities to underserved populations, specially to poor and remote areas, and to improve health and hygiene practices related to water borne diseases. The project has following component :

 (i) The Rural Component

The Rural Component includes – community mobilization and capacity building for sustainability; Construction of community water supply and sanitation facilities; health and hygiene program; gender caste and ethnic minority program.

 (ii)The Institutional Strengthening Component

The institutional Strengthening component includes – strengthening DDC capacity to provide water supply and sanitation; supporting the decentralization policy and department of water supply and sanitation.

Special features of the project are ethnic diversity, demand-driven and participatory approach through CBOs / NGOs; NGOs supported community based approach; support to decentralization; policy formulation and reforms.

Overall Services provided by firm:

The Consultant Assisted to the PMU and water Supply and Sanitation Team to establish the project institutional framework as well as developed monitoring & evaluation procedures according to Government/ Asian Development Bank (ADB) guidelines.

The services can be summarized as

a)   Ensured adherence to technical standards and guidelines, financial management guidelines, procedures and training guidelines

b)    Developed and manage water supply and sanitation coverage database in GIS

c)    Assisted to adopt gender, case, and ethnicity (GCE) guidelines and offer training in their use

d)    Assisted PMU to determine information needs for project monitoring and help establish a comprehensive database

e)    Prepared the contract/ procurement documents for WSST and NGO, and train their staff

f)      Ensured the use of environmental screening guidelines and standards during the design and, construction, O & M of RWSS sub projects to be undertaken by the communities

g)   Prepared Implementation plan and helped to prepare completion reports of WSS schemes