Consulting Services for “Scaling up Demand-Side Energy Efficiency Business Line in South Asia” (P147807), World Bank, Energy & Extratives Global (South Asia Region) Practice


Funding Agency: World Bank
Client: World Bank
Date: May 2015 – Dec. 2015

South Asian countries are characterized by a pressing gap between electricity supply and demand that causes frequent power interruptions and hampers productivity opportunities and dampens economic growth potential. In all of these countries, demand-side energy efficiency (EE), which “produces” energy by saving it, will be a significant step – often one of the cheapest – towards closing the gap.

The World Bank program “Scaling up Demand-Side Energy Efficiency Business Line in South Asia” aims to take stock of lessons in EE & deepen understanding of demand-side EE landscape; and to develop a comprehensive diagnostic -based set of delivery models, implementation solutions, and practical entry points for scaling up investment in EE and demand side management (DSM). The program will aim to synthesize the available body of knowledge on regional and global lessons learned and best practices. These will then be applied to prepare an assessment of the country-specific barriers to and opportunities for EE investments across demand side sectors. This will help establish, for all covered countries, the concrete actions and steps needed for each of them to comprehensively and strategically advance energy efficiency scale up. From that foundation, this program will develop a set of implementation-focused, country-specific roadmaps focusing on delivery models based on best practice policy, financial, programmatic and institutional interventions. While this approach will help identify the countries’ common needs emphasis will also be on pursuing country-specific strategies and opportunities based on each country’s EE market characteristics and maturity status.

Overall Services provided:

Actual services provided by Total Management Services are as under:

  1. To prepare snapshot of EE/DSM landscape in Nepal.

a.   Potential and opportunities – overall and sector wise (disaggregated)

b.   Policy, legislations, regulations, planning (national strategy/action plan/roadmap) and budget, market driven programs /projects/investments, and achievements – focus on ongoing/planned initiatives

c.   Institutional framework – key institutions, roles & responsibilities, capacity and resources

e.   EE technology and solutions supply chain capacity – private sector network (of vendors and service providers), capacity to deliver, presence/absence of appliance and equipment manufacturing base etc.

f.   Successful initiatives (as perceived by national experts and stakeholders) in various EE domains and lessons learned

g.   Barriers for scaling up demand side EE – sector wise assessment

  1. Meetings with key stakeholders to discuss the draft roadmap such as Ministry of Energy, Water & Energy Commission Secretariat, Energy efficiency center, Nepal Electricity Authority or any other relevant stakeholders
  2. Prepare workshop presentation relating to Nepal