Consulting Supervision for Project Supervision Consultant for Electricity Grid Modernization Project (Loan No. 4014 - NEP)


Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Client: Project Supervision Consultant, Nepal Electricity Authority
Date: February 2022 –  February 2026 

The Electricity Grid Modernization Project will include EXPANSION AND UPGRADATION of Transmission system infrastructures, Automation, and Transmission and Distribution Systems along with the implementation of Advance Metering Infrastructures which will operational efficiency of NEA, provide safe and reliable electricity supply at a cheaper rate to the customers and in turn improve financial health of NEA.

The overall objective of the project is to augment the transmission and distribution system and to modernize the electricity system in order to meet the future demand for electricity for all consumers and to improve the reliability and quality of electric supply through advanced control and monitoring mechanisms of transmission and distribution systems.

EGMP has been proposed with the following outputs:

Output 1: Electricity Transmission capacity in project areas strengthened and

Output 2: Electricity distribution system in project areas modernized

Output 3: The capacity of NEA and electricity users in the project area strengthened

The PSC is expected to deliver the Services for:

 1.       Project supervision, implementation, monitoring and reporting

  • Develop in-house service standards for PMU for review and approval of documents related to contract management, administrative management, and settlement of contractor claims within the stipulated time.
  • Develop an effective project progress monitoring system in coordination with the project manager, consultants, and contractor.
  • Develop a records system of all correspondence between NEA, contractors, the consultant, ADB, and other stakeholders.
  • Advise NEA on seeking approval from ADB for any variation orders and time extensions to be issued to the Contractors.
  • Develop a   procedure for commissioning and assist   NEA in preparing the commissioning schedule and takeover of completed facilities.
  • Review the project implementation schedule prepared by contractors assess its technical risks, and recommend necessary updates or adjustments to the schedule to both PMU and Contractors.
  • Monitor and Prepare reports including but not limited to progress reports, safeguard reports, and project completion reports of all subprojects.
  • Review the work schedule, and work progress and advise PMU for timely completion of the sub-projects.
  • Other activities reasonably requested by the PMU Head that are related to the contract management of sub-projects

2. Safeguard management, implementation, monitoring and reporting

  • Provide overall policy and technical direction on safeguards management for the safeguard unit of the PMU
  • Establish effective environmental and social planning and due diligence systems for new projects aligning with the requirement of government and ADB safeguards policies
  • Develop effective public consultation guidelines and support in implementation for the PMU to ensure meaningful public consultation during project preparation and implementation.
  • Provide   necessary technical   assistance   to facilitate   the   implementation management and monitoring of environmental and social safeguards
  • Develop, organize, and deliver environmental and social training programs and workshops for the PMU and contractors staffs at the field level, contractors, field supervision staff, and other implementing agency officials as needed, on safeguard requirements and their management
  • Develop grievance handling system within PMU and project level to ensure project
  • complaints relating   are   addressed   with   corrective   action   and   adequately documented
  • Support the subprojects in obtaining necessary clearances from local environmental/archaeological regulatory authorities for sub-projects, where applicable
  • Establish a system to ensure that the EMPs/RPs/IPPs are included in the design, and in the bidding documents
  • Ensure compliance with EMPs/RPs/IPPs during the construction period and
  • maintain close coordination with the technical teams of the PMU
  • Develop guidelines on community participation in environmental, and social monitoring
  • Develop a safeguards risk management system for the PMU to identify and manage the safeguards risk of the project
  • Coordinate with individual consultants and prepare consolidated high-quality environment and social safeguard monitoring reports as and when required by NEA and ADB.
  • Coordinate with individual consultants that will be separately recruited by NEA to prepare training materials and deliver training on developing knowledge on safe and efficient energy use for 2,000 electricity consumers (including about 40% women and disadvantaged groups)

 3.       Gender and Social Inclusion

  • Support NEA in facilitation and coordination to institutionalize GESI mainstreaming according to the approved GESI strategy and operational guidelines of NEA
  • Assist NEA and provide GESI-related advice to implement, report, and monitor the GESI action plan of the project as necessary.

 4.       Capacity building of NEA staff

  • One of the basic objectives of the consulting services is the transfer of technology in this field to the NEA’s staffs. This will be achieved by involving the NEA staff with the international experts as much as possible in various activities of the project implementation during field works of the Consultant.
  • The consultant shall develop training materials, and organize and deliver training to at least 30 eligible EA staff (including 30 women) on the operation of automated grid substations.