Dalit Empowerment and Inclusion Project (DEIP)
Funding Agency/Client: Dalit NGO Federation (DNF), Nepal
Date: Sep 2003 – Aug 2006
Goal: Increased Dalit Participation in socioeconomic and political processes;
Purpose: National level Dalit organizations better able to impact and achieve the Dalit agenda through empowerment and integration;
Project Outputs: The Project Document prepared by DNF identifies the following four as the main outputs from this project.
- National Dalit organisations better managed and resourced and facilitating enhanced management of local DNGOs;
- National Dalit organisations effectively facilitating Dalit mainstreaming through advocacy and education programmes, both themselves and through local DNGOs;
- National Dalit organisations effectively facilitating social, political and economic empowerment and integration programmes, mainly through local DNGOs;
- National Dalit organisations better able to represent Dalit views and issues to government, political parties, donors, other decision makers and the media;
Key Activities: The following are the key activities of the project on a broad agenda:
A. Management activities:
- Organizational Assessment;
- Training needs assessment;
- Management Training;
B. Advocacy activities:
- Advocacy Strategy;
- Advocacy skill training;
C. Empowerment and Integration activities:
- Integration Research;
- ToT;
Overall Services provided by firm:
TMS being the Implementing Agency of the Project had the overall responsibility of the project including project management and monitoring and evaluation. TMS provided all management related services a technical project team and overall logistic management/administrative support services.