Detailed Engineering Survey, Detailed Design and Report Preparation (DPR) of: 1.Sukepokhari- Chhatedhunga- Bhadaure- Ewa- hyku- Chowkpur- Dhungesaghu Road, Taplejung 2. Limbani Pui-Dobhan-Thiwa- Olangchungola Ro


Funding Agency: Government of Nepal/Nepal Electricity Authority
Client: Planning, Monitoring and   Evaluation Unit (PMEU)/ Department of   Roads (DoR)
Date: July 2020 – February 2021

The Department of Roads, Planning and Monitoring Branch, Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, Lalitpur, intends to utilize the services of engineering well-experienced consulting firms, in the fields of survey and design of roads, bridges, river training works, environment aspects, etc. for providing engineering consulting services. For detailed engineering survey, detailed design, and report preparation (DPR) of proposed roads.

Overall Services provided:

  • Detail feasibility study
  • Conducted alignment detailed survey and design
  • Conducted  socio-economic and traffic study
  • Suggested option of upgrading and designing accordingly        
  • Prepared detailed report of the stated road(s) based on the sound techno-economical approach to develop a project implementation plan
  • Developed the land use pattern