Feasibility study , Initial Environmental examination, Detail Design and Preparation of Tender Documents of Sisa Khola “A” Hydroelectric Project


Funding Agency/Client: Upper Solu Hydro Electric Company Pvt. Ltd. (USHEC)
Date: Aug 2011 – March 2013

Upper Solu Hydro Electric Company (USHEC) had recently envisaged the possibility of development of Sisa Khola “A” HEP with an installed capacity of 2.6 MW in the Sisa Khola, a tributary of Solu Khola in the vicinity of the Solu HEP.

The desk study of available topographic map, Google map, hydrological, geological and other relevant information, preliminary layout and conceptual design of hydraulic structures confirmed that the Sisa Khola “A” HEP will have a capacity of 2.6 MW and revealed that it will be technically as well as economically feasible and financially viable.


Overall Services provided:

The scope of work for the Feasibility Study, Initial Environmental Examination, Preparation of Detail Engineering Design and Tender Documents for implementation of the Project includes the followings components:

    1. Topographic Surveys
    2. Hydrology
    3. Geological, Geotechnical and Construction Material Investigation.
    4. Optimization Studies
    5. Project Components
    6. Energy Computation and Benefit Assessment
    7. Cost Estimate