GRANT-0299 NEP: Water Resources Project Preparatory Facility – 3 Flood Hazard Mapping and Preliminary Preparation of Flood Risk Management Projects (45206-001)


Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Client: Department of Irrigation, Nepal
Date: Mar 2015 – Jul 2016

The main objectives of the consulting services are as follows :

(i) Produce climate change scenario based on FHFRMs in key priority areas across the country .

(ii) Recommend FRM interventions in the key priority areas identified in consultation with DWIDP and DOI. These may comprise both structural and non-structural measures to prevent, alleviate or manage flood risk from floods, sedimentation, and river bank erosion especially in densely populated and agriculture productive areas.

(iii) Based on a selection criteria determined in consultation with DWIDP and DOI, and that identified in (ii) above, short list six sub projects for which the consultants will prepare individual concept notes to a pre-feasibility level. This includes preparing: (a) pre-feasibility engineering designs based on recommended best-practices and technologies; (b) improved watershed and water distribution management; (c) initial assessment of safeguards requirements; (d) preliminary engineering cost estimates; and, (e) preliminary economic assessments.

Overall Services provided by firm:

The scope of services will include, but not be limited to, carrying out the following activities:

  1. Collect hydro-meteorological data of the river basins and organize into required formats. Undertake extreme probability analyses and apply climate change projections.
  2. Collect field survey data and validate as required.
  3. Prepare a calibrated detailed DEM using high resolution ortho-imagery and field data provided by survey team
  4. Using approved hydrological and hydrodynamic models, undertake hydrological and hydraulic modeling for each of the priority river basins.
  5. Prepare climate change induced FHRM’s for the priority river basins based on current and future development scenarios accounting for changes in the watershed and climate, and other planned infrastructure investments presenting the flood depths, extents, and velocities for the mean annual flood and larger magnitude floods with annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) of 20%, 10%, 5% 2% and 1%.
  6. Map the adverse consequences associated with the scenarios developed under the FHMs and included the type of economic activity of the area affected, indicative number of settlements/inhabitants affected, and the economic losses.
  7. Prepare every intervention to pre-feasibility level and prepare concept notes for at least six sub-projects based on detailed cross section survey, including the elements as stated above.
  8. Recommend the “Waterway” and “Greenbelt” requirement for every river.