Innovations for More Food with Less Water- Task 2: Country and Project-Specific Recommendations and Pilot Initiatives


Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Client: Department of Irrigation, Nepal
Date: Aug 2013 – Apr 2015

MFLW Task 2 involved country level investigations, capacity building, and pilot testing in Bangladesh, India and Nepal to support the application of innovative and smart water efficient technologies and management systems in the design and implementation of ADB investments.

In Nepal, the MFLW study built on the 2013 Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project (BRBIP), which is designed to improve water security through integrated river basin management and increased water availability in the dry season. More precisely, the ROTA explored two opportunities in detail: (i) the potential for greater conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, mainly in the Bagmati River Basin’s lower reaches; and (ii) the scope for improving water use efficiency in farmer-managed schemes in the Bagmati River Basin’s upper reach in the Kathmandu Valley.

Overall Services provided by firm:

The objective of the Subconsultant’s assignment was to provide administrative and support services in Nepal to the Consultant. These services included:

A. Provision of national consultants for the following positions:

  1. Agricultural Specialist
  2. Irrigation Management Specialist
  3. Irrigation Planning and Design Engineer
  4. Survey Specialist
  5. Project Economist
  6. GIS Expert

B.Performing, in coordination   with their international   counterpart   specialists, focus group discussions, participatory rural appraisals and sample area profiles

C. Carrying out field investigations and feasibility-level design services; preparing economic and financial analyses of MFLW proposals

D. Provision of support in the acquisition of additional information in order to perform the study

E. Contribution to interim and final reporting