LOAN 50059-003 NEP: SASEC Power Transmission and Distribution System Strengthening Project - PSC: PTDSSP Consulting Services: Project Supervision Consultant of SASEC: Power Transmission and Distribution System


Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Client: Nepal Electricity Authority

Date: November 2020 – December 2024

The main goal of the consultant in this project is Project supervision and implementation. The objectives of the consultancy services are to ensure that the Project is constructed with a high degree of workmanship and materials, on schedule and within budget, in accordance with the specification and drawings of the construction and equipment contracts, to acceptable environmental standards and in accordance with the Client’s requirements.

The main goal of the consultant in this project is Project supervision and implementation. The objectives of the consultancy services are to ensure that the Project is constructed with a high degree of workmanship and materials, on schedule and within budget, in accordance with the specification and drawings of the construction and equipment contracts, to acceptable environmental standards, and in accordance with Client’s requirements.

PSC is expected to deliver the Services for:

1.   Project supervision and implementation of the following packages:

  • Development/Augmentation of Industrial Corridor.
  • Construction of 132/11kV substations in Kathmandu Valley.
  • Expansion of existing 220 kV Khimti-1, Barabishe, and Lapsephedi Substation to 400 kV voltage Level.

    2.   Capacity building of NEA staff.

    However, the detailed actual services provided by the consultant include:

    • Review of the Procurement Documents and Designs, including designs and drawings submittals of the Contractor under the Contract packages and recommend for optimized designs
    • Construction supervision and assist in Contract management and administration under Contract packages, and produce optimized design as required by the Contract or as required by the Client.
    • Review and advise the NEA on approval of the contractor’s detailed design in accordance with the Employer’s requirements and technical specifications in the contract.
    • Provide oversight of all aspects of the construction in order to ensure that it is conducted properly in accordance with the contract.
    • Development and Implementation of a Quality Assurance Program (QAP) to ensure quality in project implementation.
    • (QAP ensures that the plants and equipment supplied and installed meet the performance standards and technical characteristics of the technical specifications. The QAP covers all aspects of the project implementation including review and approval of design; quality of works during construction; monitoring schedule; inspection of materials before shipment, upon arrival, and upon erection; review of documents   to ensure quality   of   delivered   goods   and comparison of as-built drawings to design.)
    • Assist Client in implementing and management of the overall Contract of all the packages of the project including but not limited to recommendations on Extension of Time, Bill verification, variation, etc.
    • Ensuring the   Contract execution is in accordance with the Contract schedule, Employer’s requirements, and technical specifications as specified in the contract and advising the Client to take necessary steps.
    • Supervise the testing and commissioning.
    • Preparation and recommendation of a provisional taking over certificate whenever due for the works or part of the works and alert the client of work deficiencies and outstanding items, if any.
    • Recommendation and confirmation of the remedial measures taken by the contractor, and recommend a final taking over certificate after the expiry of the warranty period.
    • Project handover to the client after completion including issuance of completion certificates, provisional acceptance, and final acceptance certificates to NEA.
    • Capacity Building of NEA staff (Training): Performing assessment and developing the training program for NEA staff associated with the subprojects and working on the Project. Training to the NEA Staff in the following disciplines.
    • Complete Planning and Design of substation and transmission line of voltage level 132kV-400kV.
    • Structure and foundation designs in Transmission Lines and Substation.