Nepal GIS based Environmental Information System


Funding Agency/Client: The World Bank
Date:  Oct 11 – April 2012

In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv), Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) and the Ministry of Energy (MoEnergy), Nepal, the World Bank is currently carrying out the Nepal Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment NLTA in the Hydropower sector. As part of this activity, WECS, the MoEnergy and the MoEnv have requested technical assistance with respect to setting up a GIS based environmental database to support decision-making and sharing of environmental information, broadly and also in the hydropower sector. At present a consolidated database for environmental information does not exist, limiting a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues in different river basins.

The main objective of this consultancy is to develop a GIS based spatial environmental database for Nepal to facilitate access to key data and information regarding environmental issues facing Nepal’s river basins. The knowledge base will build on the existing GIS based water resources database that has already been designed and established through SAWI support to WECS and strengthen and populate it with key environmental data and information.

Overall Services provided by firm:

As local associates, TMS will support in extension of existing GIS based water resources information system at WECS to incorporate environmental data and development of user friendly web portal; to make (i) assessment of available environmental data and data gaps linked with key environmental parameters, (ii) assessment of existing institutional and organizational arrangements for environmental data collection, sharing, storage and use and to provide (iii) recommendations for improving existing system; Prepare Atlases ; and training of officials and users (WECS, Ministry of Environment, others)