Nepal Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Sector Study on Modalities of Services Delivery & its features and options to efficiently increase access and sustainability


Funding Agency/Client: The World Bank
Date:  July 2012 – Jul 2013

The study consisted of an overview of existing implementation modalities, a survey of 200 schemes implemented under different modalities and an Options Report that investigated different options for sector strengthening and integration, and opportunities to support the sector.

The study provided a data backed comparative analysis of the different modalities of service delivery in the sector, drawing out strengths and weaknesses of each modality analysed.

Different implementation modalities and approaches in the rural water supply and sanitation sub-sector in Nepal were reviewed from the standpoint of:

  1. contribution towards meeting the national targets;
  2. reach, functionality and effectiveness of service delivery;
  3. cost-effectiveness;
  4. sustainability of systems and institutions
  5. technical aspects; and

Performance of different modalities in terms of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, reaching the unreached and poor and equity considerations.

Overall Services provided by firm:

TMS, as partner to FCG International, provided services for (i) Overview of the RWSS sector with particular emphasis on a categorization of WS schemes, financing and implementation modalities; (ii) In-depth analysis of WASH service delivery modalities; and (iii) Options Identification and Assessment. TMS also managed survey of 200 sample rural water supply schemes.