Power Development Project- Part C Consulting Services for Energy and Customer Accountability Enhancement (IDA Cr. No.: 3766-NEP, and Gr. No. : H039-NEP)


Funding Agency: World Bank
Client: Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)
Date: Feb 2011- Nov 2012

NEA has identified the following sub-projects for implementing the energy and customer accountability framework in the first phase, to improve its financial performance and to meet the growing expectations from its customers.

Sub-project 1: Large consumers receiving power supply at high voltage level in Kathmandu valley, along the Hetauda-Birgunj industrial corridor, and in Duhabi-Biratnagar area.

Sub-Project 2: Consumers from a region where computerized billing is under implementation.

These sub-projects were selected considering the large impact and feasibility of completing activities under them in a short period of time. The large consumers in the selected areas represent around 40% of the total consumption in NEA’s system.

Some significant steps have already been initiated in these areas, such as digital metering; implementation of a state-of-the art computerized billing system; meter reading for high-value Consumers by senior staff; etc. However, it is essential to validate the accountability system in several aspects as described below and also to introduce an enhanced customer focus in the provision of service.

Overall Services provided:

The scope of work will include the following, among other things:

  1. Developing the system for enhancing customer accountability/customer services for large consumers by helping NEA put in place a system of energy audits of large customers with the objective of advising them on the possible areas of energy savings;
  2. Establishing remote meter reading system for large consumers. The scope was limited to preparation of standard bidding documents for procurement of such systems.
  3. Enhancing the features of the existing billing system, and developing necessary interface