TA-7666-NEP - Energy Access and Efficiency Improvement Project II


Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Client: Nepal Electricity Authority
Date:  May 2011 – Oct 2011

Asian Development Bank has approved PPTA support to Nepal to prepare the Energy Access and Efficiency Improvement Project II. The main output of the PPTA will be project feasibility report based on the activities:

  • Nepal power sector assessment;
  • problem tree analysis;
  • Procurement and implementation capacity assessment of the EA;
  • Prioritization of subprojects based on the economic optimality and national       priorities;
  • preparation of cost estimates
  • economic and financial analyses; and
  • safeguard and gender assessments and preparation of associated plans

All the consultants are expected to participate in ABD’s missions and contribute to preparing the aide- memoire as mission members.

TMS was responsible following tasks assigned:

Conduct the necessary surveys to establish baseline socio-economic data in the project Areas; If the project components involve resettlement, prepare a resettlement plan (RP) with full stakeholder participation including participation of the executing and implementing agencies. RP should be implementable in the Bangladeshi context and still meet ADB policy requirements; Determine the replacement costs of all categories of losses; and prepare an indicative budget for land acquisition and resettlement costs with specific sourcing and approval process; Assess the need for an Indigenous Peoples Development Plan (IPDP); and carry out any further indigenous people-targeted surveys as necessary; Prepare a socioeconomic analysis, including a poverty profile and characteristics and determinants of primary project beneficiaries in the target areas of the proposed investment components based on a review of existing studies, data, and development plans. The analysis will include a review of poverty by gender and ethnic minority and propose specific actions to benefit vulnerable indigenous peoples and minorities; Analyze access to electricity, affordability, consumption levels, and consumer satisfaction across socioeconomic groups in target project areas, categorize areas where electrification would have the largest growth and poverty reduction impacts given the underlying potential of those areas; and assess the implications on employment generation poor; Define groups that would benefit from the proposed investment components, prepare an estimate of the distribution of the project’s financial and economic benefits, and summarize the likely net benefits for each group in accordance with ADB’s Handbook for Integrating Poverty Impact in Economic Analysis for Projects. Given the available dataset, assess the direct, indirect, and distributional impacts of the project under different growth scenarios with and without the project, summarize the distributional impacts in a matrix, calculate the poverty impact ratio, and carry out appropriate risk and sensitivity analyses with respect to the poverty impact ratio; Assess and recommend ways to improve gender equity; Review land acquisition and relocation plans of project components that involve resettlement, and assess their conformity with ADB Guidelines for Involuntary Resettlement, including (a) time-bound arrangements, public consultation, public disclosure, relocation, compensation for affected inhabitants, and (b) costs related to relocation, compensation for land acquisition, and right-of-way; Incorporate all mitigation measures into the cost estimates of the proposed components; Prepare the TOR for the NGO/consultant who will be in charge of the implementation of the RPs, IPDP and GAP;