Telecom Sector Reform Project: Consultancy for Specialized Regulatory Advice – Tariff and Interconnection Regime (NTA 02)


Funding Agency/Client: Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA)
Date:  Jan 2004 – Sep 2004

The main objectives of the project was

  • To develop the Guidelines for Price-cap mechanism for the regulation of telecom tariffs under price-cap regulation and suggest improvements in Guidelines for Tariff Approval for Telecommunications Services
  • To develop an interconnection regime appropriate for a competitive telecommunications market in Nepal and suggest improvements in Guidelines for Interconnection; and develop interconnection regulations
  • To develop/ update a methodology for reviewing and assessing tariff proposals submitted by operators. This methodology should be based upon world best practices for comparable markets
  • To assist in developing the capacity of NTA staff by transfer of skills to effectively implement and address the tariff and interconnection regime
  • To develop coordination mechanism in interconnection issues among the responsible operators
  • To suggest appropriate provisions for inclusion in Regulations to be approved by HMG

 Key Tasks:

Tariff Regime

  • Development of Guidelines for Price Cap Mechanism
  • Approach
  • Competition in International Communications, Internet Telephony
  • Tariff Review Process
  • Improvements

Interconnection Regime

  • Review existing interconnection framework
  • Non-price aspects of Interconnection
  • Interconnection Dispute Resolution Mechanism
  • Compliance, Enforcement and Sanctions
  • Lease Lines, Lease of Alternative Capacity, Alternative Infrastructure, and Technological Neutrality
  • Implementation Plan

Capacity Development

Provide hands-on training to NTA counterpart staff as well as other related staff to transfer skills and knowledge to ensure NTA develops its institutional capacity to effectively implement the tariff and interconnection principles.

Overall Services provided by firm:

TMS provided the local expertise for local technical knowledge for the project. In addition, TMS also provided logistic and project management/ administrative support services for the project.