Undertaking Scoping, TOR, EIA of Proposed Khimti II Hydropower Project (27 MW)


Funding Agency/Client: Statkraft SF, Norway
Date:  2004 – 2005

Key Activities:

  • Preparation of Scoping and TOR (Public Consultation);
  • Baseline Studies;
  • Key studies and impact assessment/prediction/preparation of Mitigation Plan;
  • Public Hearing and EIA report finalization;

 Key Components:

  • The impacts on the project site;
  • Catchment impacts;
  • Remote Impacts;
  • Regional, national and global impacts;
  • Primary Environmental issues such as social impacts, river hydrology/sedimentation, habitat, off site impacts from access roads and natural hazards;
  • Secondary Environmental issues such as local development opportunities, health, slope stability, management of adjacent natural resources, construction impacts, project alternatives, water quality and climate change.

Overall Services provided by firm:

TMS was responsible for the overall project and provided expertise as well as logistic management/administrative support services for the project.