Funding Agency/Client: Asian Development Bank/Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES)
Date: May 2006 – Jun 2007
The Preparing the Education Sector Development Program 1 technical assistance (TA) forms a major part of an initiative by Nepal government and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) designed to reform and thereby improve the efficiency of education sector. The TA will assist the government to prepare ESDP I that will help develop a holistic approach to school education to improve its efficiency and performance. The outcomes of the TA will be (i) a comprehensive sector analysis, based on an analysis of policy and institutional gaps for institutional development and constrains that hinder sector development; (ii) a mechanism for continuous policy dialogue with all stakeholders, including development partners, and enhanced government leadership in policy development and reform; (iii) a strategic framework for implementing time-bound policy actions during the period of ESDP I; and based on above, (iv) a proposed design for ESDP I that defines its objectives, rationale, program framework and components, implementation arrangements, costs and monitoring systems
Overall Services provided by firm:
TMS provided domestic experts and project management support services for the project. TMS also providing overall administrative support for TA 4326 – NEP Preparation of Education Sector Development Policy and Strategy.focusing its relevance with the Nepalese perspective and its requirement. Alongside, TMS was also responsible for internal monitoring of the project activities and to ensure that high level of efficiency and performance is maintained.