Funding Agency/Client: Asian Development Bank / Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
Date: Feb 2007-Aug 2008
The Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) would support the initiatives of the Government in ensuring good governance, as reflected in more transparent, predictable, and accountable local government administration, as well as better frontline service delivery and less corruption in the public sector, through active public participation. The intended outcome of the PPTA was the design of a program that would contribute to better development outcomes by improving governance.
The expected outputs of the PPTA were (i) an analysis of service delivery standards and lessons from experience gained elsewhere, to serve as benchmarks for the program; (ii) reports on unmet needs and lack of capacity at the central agencies to improve service delivery, and assessments of local service delivery needs; (iii) realistic action plans for strengthening the capacity of central institutions and local governments, as well as community-based organizations, to deliver better services (including ways of increasing transparency and accountability, and reducing corruption in local service delivery); (iv) clear, and achievable, plans for effective decentralization (including monitoring systems) in the education and PPTA Components. Agriculture sectors; (v) redesigned tools (such as citizens’ cards and public expenditure tracking surveys) to ensure that local service providers can be held accountable for their performance; and (vi) a well-designed report and recommendation of the President (RRP) for consideration by ADB.
The PPTA comprised four parts: (i) Review of service delivery protocols in central bodies, (ii) Assessment of service delivery needs in specific sectors at the local level, (iii) Improvement of service delivery, and (iv) Design of the GRDCP.
Overall Services provided by the firm:
TMS was responsible for the overall project management and provided expertise as well as logistic management/administrative support services for the project. Services provided by TMS included a review of service delivery protocols at the central level; field surveys (1,000 households in eight districts and various interactions and Focus Group Discussions) and need assessments at the local level; improving service delivery initiative which included pilot testing in selected districts in agriculture, decentralization and small infrastructure sector; and designing GRDCP I.