Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Client: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal
Date: August 2021 – February 2024
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) currently operates 201 hydrometric stations of which 104 stations are automatic and the rest are manual stations. Among them, some of the manual stations have crest-stage gauges and water level recorders, automatic have radar level send or and bubbler sensors measure water level fluctuations in the river. The DHM has planned to prepare station inventory for the major stations which will include the cross-section properties at two or more sections so that adequate information would be available for the extrapolation of the rating curve. To meet this target, DHM has allocated a budget to prepare a Cross-Section Survey and Intensive Flow Measurement at Hydrological Stations.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
The services carried out during the contract period are as follows:
A) Discharge Measurement:
The overall scope of work is to extensively measure the flow of specified hydrometric stations during low flow (Dec-May), medium flow (Oct-Nov), and High Now (Jul-Sept), Cross section survey as well as flow measurements shall be carried out during low flow season (Mar Apr). It shall be confirmed that
· Preliminary field survey shall be done during low flow season to confirm
· The computation of discharge shall be produced in a prescribed format by DHM.
B) Cross-section Survey and Estimate Peak Flood
The main purpose of a cross-section survey is to carry out bathymetry of the river and cross-section survey across the bathymetry section covering the highest flood level from the history and past year's maximum flood level in order to estimate the flow for the extreme floods. The scope of work is defined as enlisted below.