Funding Agency: DFID
Client: Department of Women and Children Development; Shree Mahal, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
Date: Jan 2014 – Oct 2014
The Women Development Program in Nepal was launched as the Production Credit for Rural Women (PCRW) program in 1982 and has since grown into a national network of women’s institutions under the management of the Department of Women and Children. The WDP targets disadvantaged rural women (over the age of 20 years) who have not passed SLC or come from deprived families with no regular income. The program aims in associations of women to promote ‘meaningful agency’ and promotes values of self-help, unity, participation, equity, integrity, and transparency.
The main purpose of this program is to conduct an in-depth review of the institutional design and implementation so as to develop strategy for the future WDP.
The TOR for this program indicates two phases review approach to be adopted. The second phase is contingent on successful completion of first phase. The first phase, involving intensive desk research which is expected to focus on 5 purposive VDCs from 3 project districts. In the second phase, a detailed study will be undertaken in 12 other districts involving a statistically significant sample of federations and their constituents at various levels depending upon the findings from first phase assessment.
The assignment will require the team (including of the Program Coordinator and the Evaluators) to perform field survey through survey schedules and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in selected districts, wards and villages of Nepal.
Overall Services provided by the firm:
Total Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (TMS) will be required to provide the following services in the project;
1. Initial Reece: TMS will be responsible for undertaking a quick Reece of one VDC, one ward-level institution and one WG in one district of Nepal (Lele village in Lalitpur) to understand the project implementation approach and arrangement.
2. Field Research: TMS will provide a team which would consist of :
3. Data analysis and finding presentation: The first level of data analysis will be done by TMS with support of the team from The Outliers Development Services ltd. TMS will be responsible for data entry and data cleaning portion. The first cut analysis of the qualitative data will be done by TMS.
4. Report Preparation: The first draft report will be prepared by the TMS, Nepal Project Coordinator following which it will be refined by the counterpart from The Outlier Development Services Pvt. Ltd. with more inputs (if needed).