
Construction Supervision Consultant for SASEC Highway Improvement Project (SHIP-CSC) (Kamala to Kanchanpur)- Contract No.: Loan No. 3772- NEP

Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Client: MoPIT/GoN/ DoR/ ADB
Date: September 2020 – December 2029

The government of Nepal has applied for financial assistance from ADB, for financing the SASEC Highway Improvement Project. Under the Project, about 87 Km road section East-West highway from Kanchanpur to Kamala will be improved/upgraded from the existing two-lane configuration to a four-lane configuration, with service lanes in selected areas.

The Major Objectives of CSC is to implement the Project as follows:

  • To ensure high standards of quality assurance in the execution of work and completion of the works within the stipulated time limit.
  • To ensure full compliance with environmental and social safeguard requirements of the Government and ADB and to support the Employer in obtaining necessary statutory clearances on a timely basis.
  • To update environment and social safeguard planning documents when necessary.
  • To implement the Resettlement Action Plan on social safeguard aspects.
  • To provide comprehensive supervision of project implementation activities carried out by the Civil Works Contractor and ensure complete compliance with the drawings, technical specifications, and various stipulations contained in the Contract Documents, with high standards of quality assurance in supervision and in the execution of work.
  • To provide efficient construction and maintenance supervision by personnel who are experienced in modern methods of construction and maintenance supervision and contract management.
  • To review detailed project reports before implementation activities and propose revision/constructive suggestions if needed.
  • To monitor and advise on the preconstruction activities.
  • To assist in taking remedial actions to avoid slippages, cost overruns, and delays by the civil works contractor.
  • To ensure safety during construction and adherence to all Environment Management Regulations prescribed under the contract.
  • Assist the client, if required, in Bid evaluation of civil work contracts for project roads and recommend to DOR on all contractual matters;
  • To ensure occupational and health safety measures are implemented properly
  • To ensure road safety measures are properly taken during construction, internal monitoring of road safety precautions, road safety awareness program and to ensure incorporation of adequate safety features during construction & DNP/DLP.

Scope of Services:

1.       Construction and Contract Management to assist DOR in supervising the execution and implementation of all works in accordance with the conditions of the contract

2.       Gender, Social, Involuntary Resettlement and Environmental Management

3.       Project Performance Monitoring

4.       Road Safety Improvement for SASEC Highway Improvement Project

5.       Capacity Development through in-house and overseas training of DOR personnel in different disciplines