
Defining A Strategic Vision and Preparing A Strategic Plan for NAVIN

Funding Agency/Client: The World Bank
Date:  June 2011 – June 2014

The overall aim of this project was to define a strategic vision and prepare a strategic plan for NAVIN. The Plan would be a detailed guide for the organization to strengthen its organizational capacity and strategy through the use of the strategic planning document.

 Key Activities:

  • Environment Scanning;
  • Analysis;
  • Defining Strategic Vision, Strategy, Outputs, and Actions;

Key Components:

  1. An appraisal of NAVIN using SWOT;
  2. Overall strategy outlining vision, mission, and key outputs;
  3. Identifying key outputs:
  4. Identifying key input areas:

Overall Services provided by firm:

TMS provided a technical team and overall logistic management/administrative support services and had the overall responsibility of the project.