Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Client:Department of Water Induced Disaster Management, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
Date: April 2017 – February 2018
DWIDM is going to undertake detail studies on landslides and to provide recommendations to the various concerned agencies. DWIDM intends to prepare landslide inventory of Bhojpur, Sankhuwasabha, Khotang and Solukhumbu districts of Eastern Development Region of the country. This mapping is expected to help for basic planning and programming the rehabilitation and mitigation works of the landslide affected areas.
- To locate landslides in Preparation of landslide inventory of Bhojpur, Sankhuwasabha, Khotang and Solukhumbu districts.
- Preparation of landslide inventory of Bhojpur, Sankhuwasabha, Khotang and Solukhumbu districts of Eastern Development Region
- To clarify the feature of all the landslides which occurred in the natural slope, and the collapse mechanism.
- Identify and map the settlements and infrastructure which are likely to be affected by the landslides.
- To map and prepare database of the landslide in GIS.
- Provide the whole study report and data in electronic copy.
- Provide executive summary, conclusion and recommendation.
Actual services provided by the firm within the assignment:
The scopes of the consulting services will include, but not limited to following:
- Carried out study, collect data and locate landslide
- Analyzed satellite imageries and extract relevant data and conduct field work using GPS to gather detail information of landslide.
- Clarified the feature of the landslides which occurred in natural slope, and the collapse mechanism.
- Identified and mapped the settlements and infrastructure which are likely to be affected by the landslides.
- Analyze and prepare landslide inventory and hazard map.