
Consulting Service for Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design for the Sitapaila - Dharke Road

Funding Agency: Kuwait Fund
Client: Department of Roads
Date: Sept.  2013 – July 2016

The mentioned road starts at Sitapaila, in western part of the ring road within the Kathmandu Valley and links it to Dharke, a small settlement at 3-6 km on the Prithivi Highway. This road is an alternative route to enter to the Kathmandu valley. At present, the existing road is fair weather with a total length of 23 Km but proposed length of roads is about 35Km. It will serve as an alternative route for the existing Thankot–Naubise-Dharke road which is the part of the Prithivi Highway. The alignment passes through the tunnel at Bhimdhunga which is about 360m in length. Similarly, eight bridges along the alignment were identified and the bridges will be designed by the consultants which will shorten the steeper slopes and the road length as well. The alignment requires considerable improvement in road geometry, slope stabilization, retaining structures and drainages, major bridge and possible tunnel. The Department of Roads intends to identify the appropriate route which requires parameters and standards. Construction of this road will give relief to the residences of the Kathmandu valley as Kathmandu is the capital city of the country, whole population of Nepal will be benefited from this road. Since existing road is not wide enough to bear heavy traffic, the project shall assist in solving this problem. At the same time, it also provides an alternative route to enter the Kathmandu valley.

Overall Services provided:

The detailed actual services provided by the consultant includes:

A.   Prepare the Feasibility Study for Stretch of the Road from Kathmandu (Ring road) to Dharke (Dhading District) considering engineering, economics, social, resettlement & environmental aspects.

B.   Prepare Detailed Engineering Survey and Design for preferred alignment with preliminary estimate of the 360m length tunnel including preparation of BID document.

C.   Prepared Detailed Engineering Bridge Survey and Design of eight bridges namely:

  1. Ghatta Khola
  2. Tribeni Khola
  3. Thulo Khola
  4. Ari Khola
  5. Bhang Khola
  6. Rupse Khola
  7. Dhobi Khola-1
  8. Dhobi Khola-2

For preferred alignment including their soil investigation (Bore hole), hydrological study and the necessary study for the bridge design.

During the course of study, the Variation Order (VO) is issued for the purpose of detail engineering Bridge survey and Design. For this project, TMS shall perform necessary Surveys (Topographic Survey) & Investigation, Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey and Design, Socio-Economic Studies, Geological Studies (Geology, Meteorology and Hydrology), Engineering Studies of Alignment, Traffic Impact, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Urban & Rural Planning, Cost estimates, Economic analysis, Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).