
Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Bridges (Contract No.: BP-661-DSD-06-068/69)

Funding Agency: Government of Nepal
Client: Department of Road
Date:  April 2013 – April 2016

Recently, with the increasing demand for bridges due to the expansion of road network, Department of Roads (DOR) has identified a need to address bridges separately within the framework of the ‘Departmental Policy Document, the DoR strategy (July, 1995)’. In line with this Policy Document, DoR presents its vision in developing and maintaining bridges through the following policy statement: Provide safe, reliable and cost effective bridges. The embedded emphases reflected in the above policy statement are safety, reliability and cost- effectiveness. The prime concern of the policy is to provide safe bridges by designing bridges with standard loading, giving due concern to users’ safety and safety of bridges. The next concern is to provide confidence to users in order to run their livelihoods (social movement and business) in an environment of reliable bridges. This is achieved through appropriate design, quality in construction and maintenance, and adequate emergency measures to keep the crossing access open for general traffic even in times of emergency.

Overall Services provided:

The main objective of this project is to perform Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of following 10 Bridges:

1.     Badharjor Khola BridgeUdayapur2.     Hadaiya Khola BridgeUdayapur3.     Murkatuwa Khola BridgeSaptari4.     Debdhar Nadi BridgeSaptari5.     Birdhana Nadi BridgeSaptari6.     Chimti Khola BridgeSaptari7.     Bhaluwahi Khola BridgeSaptari8.     Chapini Nadi BridgeSaptari9.     Judi Nadi BridgeSaptari10. Kharak Nadi BridgeSaptari

The actual services provided for the project are as below:

  • Desk study
  • Detailed Engineering Study and Survey & Investigation
  • Feasibility study
  • Geological and Geomorphologic study
  • Topographical Survey
  • Hydrology Study
  • Seismological Study
  • Consideration on Environment Protection/ Environmental Safeguards
  • Subsurface Exploration
  • Quantity/Cost estimates
  • Detailed Design