
Grant-0227 Nep - Transport Project Preparatory Facility (Formerly Transport Project Preparatory And Capacity Development Facility) – Project Preparatory Consultant 2 For Road Component (Ppc2-Road)

Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB)/ Department of Roads (DoR)
Date: July 2015 – Nov. 2016 

The main objective of the consulting services (the Services) is to review the government's Priority Investment Plan (2007-2016) for the development and management of strategic road network (SRN) and undertake Feasibility Study of 405 km and Detailed Engineering Design of 403 km.

Apart from that, the consultancy services also included detailed engineering design of 86 bridges (55 RCC Bridges which includes 47 bridges of 7.92 meter to 85.68 meter, 5 bridges of 107.40 meter to 479.03 meter and one major Mahuli bridge of 1130 meter plus2 Bridges in the Bhairahawa-Lumbini-Taulihawa road section and 21 Bridges in Narayanghat-Butwal East-West Highway Section). Also the overall study consist of: (i) appropriate condition surveys, (ii) engineering design, specification, bill of quantities, cost estimates (iii) economic analysis, (iv) social and environmental assessment in accordance with ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS), ADB’s Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003) as well as government regulations and policies, (v) bidding documents for the improvement works, (vi) procurement assistance, and (vii) other assistance as may be required by ADB Mission for loan processing.

 Apart from that, the consultancy services also included detailed engineering design of 78 bridges (55 RCC Bridges which includes 47 bridges of 7.92 meter to 85.68 meter, 5 bridges of 107.40 meter to 479.03 meter and one major Mahuli bridge of 1130 meter plus 2 Bridges in the Bhairahawa-Lumbini-Taulihawa road section and 21 Bridges in Narayanghat-Butwal East-West Highway Section). Also the overall study consists of: (i) appropriate condition surveys, (ii) engineering design, specification, bill of quantities, cost estimates (iii) economic analysis, (iv) social and environmental assessment in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS), ADB’s Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003) as well as government regulations and policies, (v) bidding documents for the improvement works, (vi) procurement assistance, and (vii) other assistance as may be required by ADB Mission for loan processing.

Overall Services provided:

The scope of services will include, but not limited to, carrying out the following activities:

A) Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study, Environmental Study and Detailed Design

  1. Carry out an existing bridge condition survey
  2. Survey, hydrological studies and foundation investigation, and seismological study
  3. Construction materials availability study
  4. Undertake environmental assessment (including categorization)
  5. Detailed design, drawings, and specifications of bridges and approaches
  6. Preparation of cost estimates, incorporation of traffic studies, computation of economic analysis and consideration of PPP options

B) Feasibility Study (about 405 km of Priority Strategic Road Network Sections)

  1. Preliminary topographical surveys of alignments and inventory/condition survey (for approved alignment)
  2. Field surveys for geo-mapping
  3. Traffic and O/D Surveys and traffic projections and axle load survey
  4. Preliminary design of roads (including drawings)
  5. Identification and scope of major structures
  6. Identification and scope of side/cross drainage
  7. BoQ and cost estimates
  8. Carry out IEE and prepare EIA and site-specific EMAP with appropriate design mitigations
  9. Survey and Interview AP for social/environmental constraints
  10. Evaluate land acquisition and resettlement needs (costs)
  11. Initial poverty and social assessment and screening for resettlement & IP issues
  12. SIA including resettlement plan, resettlement framework, and RAP and HIV AIDS & human trafficking
  13. Resettlement and Indigenous people assessment
  14. Assessment of acceptance by local communities
  15. Economic analysis (including sensitivity analysis) and Risk analysis
  16. Develop project monitoring framework and project road baseline survey
  17. Prepare project feasibility report and implementation schedules/plans

C) Detailed Survey and Engineering Design (about 403 km of Priority SRN including 78 bridges)

  1. Detailed topo-survey for the road design corridors and update inventory/condition survey
  2. Create the DTM required for detailed design standards and perform o-site verification
  3. Design horizontal/vertical alignments and cross-sections and drainage structures (including safety aspects)
  4. Design retaining and support structures
  5. Design slope protection measures
  6. Review/evaluate input data for pavement design, including traffic volumes and axle loads
  7. Carry out additional traffic surveys, geotechnical survey and hydrological investigations as appropriate
  8. Design pavement structures
  9. Design side drainage and collector cross-drainage
  10. Design cross drainage structures, including training walls and other associated features
  11. Prepare materials source maps with indicative properties and quantities
  12. Identify spoil areas and evaluate mass/haul quantities
  13. Carry out a safety audit of design and embody road safety works design into contract documents
  14. Economic analysis
  15. Prepare EMAP and coordinate with the preparation of design/contract documentation to embody IEE & EMAP requirements
  16. Undertake social assessment including resettlement framework, resettlement plan, indigenous people plan
  17. Update cadastral survey for land acquisition determination if required and finalize lists of PAPs and PAFs
  18. Prepare detailed drawings, specifications, and bid documents (as for ICB and LCB)
  19. Prepare various PPP procurement model
  20. Update Bill of Quantities (BoQ), prepare comprehensive cost estimates by contract and recommend contract packages
  21. Prepare a draft final and final report