
Project Completion Report for the Third Livestock Development Project

Funding Agency/Client: Practical Action Nepal
Date: Jan 2008 – Mar 2009

The purpose of the study was to facilitate Practical Action Nepal to develop actionable projects in expanding agro/ forestry based commercial economic opportunities for the poor with focus on conflict affected communities and people. The study also aims to pave way for long term sustainable poverty alleviation process as envisioned in the poverty reduction plan of the nation.

The study has demarcated two areas for investigation – an assessment of the existing situation; and an analysis of relevant policies in the areas of agriculture, livestock, and NTFP or forestry. For clarity of methodology and scope of the study, objectives have been assigned for each area of interrogation.

Overall Services provided by the firm:

TMS conducted the study focusing on Practical Action Nepal’s target districts in western and Far western region of Nepal. The study was based on secondary data and interviews with various stakeholders. The study assess situation of the target districts in terms of marketing for agriculture, livestock and forestry and analyzed major policy to help Practical action Nepal develop Market and Livelihood program.