
Small Irrigation Programme (SIP) Phase I

Funding Agency: Swiss Development Co-operation
Client: Embassy of Switzerland in Nepal
Date: March 2015 – February 2019

The main objective of the Programme Management and Implementation Support Consultant (PMISC) is to provide management and implementation support to the Government of Nepal on behalf of the Government of Switzerland to implement the Small Irrigation Programme (SIP). The programme will develop or improve small-scale irrigation systems in 9 districts (Achham, Dailekh, Jajarkot, Kalikot Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, Khotang, Udayapur and Sindhuli) in Nepal through a community-driven process targeted to the poor, women, and other disadvantaged groups. The Small Irrigation Programme (SIP), Phase I will develop or improve approximately 15,000 ha in about 1,800 small-scale irrigation systems, benefiting an estimated 25,000 households. Small irrigation systems are defined as systems having less than 25 hectares of irrigation area in the hills and mountains and less than 200 hectares in the Terai plains.

Overall Services provided:

The scope of services of Consultant are:

  1. Preparation of Yearly Plan of Operation (YPO) for the Government of Nepal for the programme implementation;
  2. Programme management and implementation support to the PSU;
  3. Assistance in the identification and screening of potential projects,
  4. Strengthening water user associations (WUAs);
  5. Undertaking feasibility assessments of screened projects using a comprehensive participatory approach,
  6. Preparing detailed designs and bill of quantities (BOQs),
  7. Support to Water Users Associations (WUAs) in undertaking project irrigation works and supervising construction,
  8. Assuring synergy with other SDC funded programmes/projects in the agriculture sector for developing and implementing agricultural extension programs;
  9. Support in monitoring of programme in terms of physical and financial progresses;
  10. Prepare Fund Flow Analysis (FFA) to show where the funds of the Swiss grant are directed towards, and;
  11. Outcome Monitoring Summary (OMS), Annual Programme Reports (APR). In addition, the selected institution is also mandated to manage the Swiss Grant to the Government of Nepal. In brief, the roles of the PMISC are to support programme implementation as well a policy initiatives for a uniform sub-sector approach for small irrigation development
  12. Develop an on-line internet based systems for project verification, automated project preparation and programme management information system (PMIS), the operation of these systems and capacity building to internalize these systems in DoLIDAR and the DDCs/DTOs
  13. Verification of 450 projects selected and designed under the preceding LILI programme. Verification should confirm that the projects were selected in accordance with the 14 step participatory planning process of local GoN, projects meet the programme selection criteria, and technical designs meet the required quality standards (QS)
  14. Selection and verification of additional irrigation schemes in accordance with the 14 step participatory planning process and Survey, design, of the irrigation schemes;
  15. Preparation of socio-economic baseline surveys, detailed designs, cost estimates and bills of quantities, supervision of the construction and social aspects and quality assurance of the selected projects;
  16. Institutional strengthening and capacity building of DoLIDAR, DDCs, WUAs and other local stakeholders;
  17. Assisting user committees to form legally recognized Water User Associations (WUA) and obtain a license for water user under the Water Resources Act;
  18. Prepare a Memorandum of Agreement between the WUAs and the DTO for the construction/rehabilitation of the irrigation scheme and arrange for the implementation of the construction of works either though a community contract or through force account under which the DTO arranges all the equipment, material and labour management to accomplish the construction;
  19. Coordination with the NASDP at all stages of the project cycle from scheme selection through scheme verification, design, and construction to post construction support for the design and implementation of an agriculture development plan for all selected projects. The plan should be based on a need assessment carried out during the project planning;
  20. Administration of the Swiss grant to the Government of Nepal and monitoring funds channeled through DDF;
  21. Development of policy initiatives together with processes and procedures for a uniform one window sub-sector approach at district level for small irrigations development and the related support for the improvement of irrigated agriculture;