
Feasibility Study & IEE Study of Ikhuwa Hydropower Project (8.6 MW)

Funding Agency: Department of Electricity Development ( DoED)
Client: Department of Electricity Development ( DoED)
Date: March 2012 – Feb 2014

Ikhuwa Khola SHP is a run of river project. The available gross head is 320m and the design discharge is 4.0m3/sec giving a total installed capacity of 8.10MW. The headworks consist of an approximately 40m long diversion of weir including intake and under sluice. The intake level is proposed at an elevation of 1280m a.m.s.l.. The desilting basin has been proposed on the left bank of the Khola. An open canal of 3.25 km length feeds water from the desilting basin to the proposed forebay at an elevation of 1276m a.m.s.l. Later, the design flow for power generation is conveyed from the forebay to the powerhouse by a steel penstock pipe of diameter 1.1 m and 550m length. The penstock alignment follows existing topography at approximately 38O. A surface powerhouse is proposed on the old terrace of river at an elevation of 956m a.m.s.l. The project consists 5 number of Pelton turbines. The cross-average annual energy is 57,811.20 MWh. The proposed site is not accessible by vehicle-pliable roads. The nearest existing road head is located in Leguwaghat of Hile-Bhojpur road. A new 30km of road shall be constructed to link the project site by road. The nearest substation to the project site is located in Dhankuta. Therefore, a 35 km long 33 KV transmission line is necessary to evacuate generated power into the national grid.

Overall Services provided:

The scope of work carried out includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Topographic Survey
  2. Hydrological and metrological studies
  3. Engineering Geological mapping
  4. 2D Resistivity survey and Seismic Refractive survey
  5. Drilling and Filed testing
  6. Construction material survey and testing
  7. Test pitting and trenching
  8. Test on core samples
  9. Road alignment and Transmission line survey
  10. Project layout and Design
  11. Construction Planning
  12. Cost Estimates
  13. Economic Evaluation
  14. Financial Analysis
  15. Initial Environment Examination (IEE)

a.     Preparation of ToR document for IEE study

b.     Preparation of IEE Reports