Achieve sustained organizational success in terms of profitability, growth, and sustainability goals through business vision, mission, values, strategy, structure and operating system, and processes of:
“researching & developing” service opportunities in chosen areas independently and in strategic partnerships; “implementing” service contracts efficiently and effectively to due satisfaction of clients as well as funding partners’ requirements and with due regards to relevant “authentic learning”, i.e., internalizing and institutionalizing lessons learned by improving the organization’s quality management system and its performance continually.
Our Mission
Be a Professional “Consultancy and Development Service Organization” with an image of competence, responsibility and reliability in services.
Our Vision
Quality professional engineering & development management consultancy and allied services to clients in their efforts at identification, development, implementation and handover of practical solutions.
Our Philosophy
Integrated Management Development Framework TMS views Integrated Development or “Development Governance +Management Framework” as consisting of essentially five interacting, inter-related and inter-twined sectoral domains/ mega-sectors namely 1.Polity, 2.Society, 3.Economy, 4.Environment and 5.Technology. TMS believes and submits that “sustainable human existence” or“sustainable development” in the contemporary parlance lies essentially in humanity pursuing and achieving integration of these five noble of human well beings corresponding sectors. These five mega-sectors encompass many broad and specific development sectors and sub-sectors/ areas/ themes of changing priority and shifting development emphasis over time and across interested parties or groups locally, regionally and globally. development
Sustainable Development Management Framework Obviously, development and the growth of the various sectors need to be managed (changed and continued) through prudent global (local + global) actions and practices of “breaking vicious + deficiency cycles” and “building virtuous + enrichment cycles and systems”, leading to a common human destiny of “sustainable development” – a sustainable prosperity and peace for all at the present and into the future.
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