
Collection of field data for one season EIA Study for proposed Pancheshwar/Rupaligad HEP

Funding Agency: WAPCOS Ltd.
Client: WAPCOS Ltd.
Date: Sep 2016 – Feb 2017

Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project (PMP) is a joint project of Nepal and India proposed on the Mahakali River. The PMP comprised two major componentPancheshwar High Dam (PHD) – consisting 311 m high rock fill dam, a spillway, two underground powerhouses and associated structures. The PHD will have an installed capacity of 4,800 MW with an average annual energy generation of 7678 GWh and live storage of 6038 Mm3 of water.

Rupaligad Reregulating Dam which will be 95m in height. The installed capacity of Rupaligad RRD is 240 MW (of which 120 MW will be installed in Nepal) with an average annual energy generation of 1438 GWh. The Rupaligad RRD will create a live storage of 56.45 Mm3 of water.


Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

As a part of EIA study of Pancheshwar/ Rupaligad HEP, TMS is responsible in undertaking following activities for the preparation, submission and approval of EIA Report:

  1. Air Quality   Monitoring – The Air Quality Monitoring has to be carried-out at 02 locations, to be monitored twice· a week for a period of 04 consecutive weeks at each location for one season. The parameters to be monitored include – TSP, PM10, S02, NOx, CO.
  2. Water Quality Monitoring – The Water sampling shall be carried-out by WAPCOS. 10 Nos. of samples to be analyzed by local agencies.
  3. Soil Quality Analysis -The soil quality analysis to be carried out by WAPCOS.10 samples to be analyzed by local agencies.
  4. Terrestrial Ecological Survey is to be conducted in the study area for one season. The details are as follows:Flora-Characterization of forest types in the study area and extent of each forest type. lnformation on general vegetation pattern and floral diversity-Presence of economically important species.-Presence of Rare, Endangered and Threatened floral species as per the categorization for Nepal-Presence of endemic floral species found in the study area,Fauna

    -Inventory of Birds (resident, migratory), land animals including mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, etc. reported and surveyed in the study area shall be prepared.

    -Presence of Rare, Endangered and Threatened faunal species as per the categorization of Nepal

    -Presence of endemic faunal species found in the area, if any

  5. Social Survey-Socio-economic profile of project area villages-Socio-economic survey of project affected families-Public consultations and feed-back and conducting Public hearing
  6. Aquatic Ecological Survey is to be conducted in the study area for one season in and around the proposed project area, Assessment of biotic resources with special reference to primary productivity, zooplanktons, phytoplanktons, benthos, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fishes in the study area.
    -Population densities and diversities of phytoplanktons, zooplankton benthos, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, and fish shall be estimated.
    The diversity indices of these ecological groups have to be calculated separately.
    Assessment of loss of habitat and conservation needs for Fish species in the project area
    -Fish composition- Migratory route of migratory fishes
    Spawning & breeding grounds of fish species, if any, shall be identified
  7. Coordination and Liaison with the Ministry of Environment, Government of Nepal