
Consulting Services for Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) Promotion of Solar Energy in Rural and Semi-Urban Regions of Nepal

Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank
Client: Alternative Energy Program Committee (AEPC)
Date: Feb 2022 –  Feb 2025

The purpose of the project is to increase the supply of solar electricity and reduce CO2 emissions through investments in on-grid (solar roof systems) and off-grid (solar irrigation pumps, solar mini-grids) Photovoltaic (PV) systems.

The project consists of three components as follows:

  1. The first component comprises investment support for the on-grid roof system.
  2. The second component comprises investment support for off-grid solar irrigation pumps for agriculture users and solar mini–grid for remote communities.
  3. The third project component focuses on strengthening project implementation capacities at national and local levels, complementing the investments under components 1 and 2.

The PCI will support AEPC during the implementation, more specifically for the following aspects: is expected to deliver the Services for:

Phase 1: Inception Phase (Project Planning Support)

  • Elaborating the financing Modalities- During the inception Phase the services will be focused on the Initial assessment of financial aspects and the establishment of standardized financial modalities for each Technical Component.
  • Elaborating an environmental and social management framework (ESMF) including a stakeholder Engagement framework (SEF) for each type of PV system
  • General overview of the risks without site-specific details of each subproject;
  • Guidance on the E&S risk management for each subproject;
  • Outline the standards, guidelines and procedures to address the E & S impact associated with implementing each subproject.
  • Definition of the eligibility criteria – update eligibility criteria in close cooperation with AEPC and in consultation with other relevant international development partners such as GIZ, DFID, ADB in order to get a return of experience on the already implemented project.
  • Elaboration of the tender/subsidy distribution process – Prepare a template of bidding Document for each technical Component and procurement plan
  • Development of a standard operation and maintenance (O&M) concept
  • Preparation of implementation phase

 2.       Phase 2: Project Implementation Support

  • Support during sub-project identification and feasibility
  • Support during the procurement process.
  • Supervision during installation/construction.
  • Monitoring during the operating phase (sampling approach).

 3.       Phase 3: Monitoring, Fund Management, Training and Reporting

  • Development of a monitoring system
  • Subsidy Fund Management and Reporting
  • Capacity Building (Project Component 3).