Funding Agency: The World Bank
Client: Nepal Electricity Authority, Environment and Social Studies Department
Date: Feb 2017 – Aug 2017
Kali Gandaki A Hydro Power Plant (KGAHPP) is the largest plant in operation in Nepal commissioned in 2002. The development objectives of the Kali Gandaki A Hydropower Plant Rehabilitation Project for Nepal are to improve the reliability of power supply through rehabilitation and safety measures and to improve the response capacity of Nepal in case of an emergency. The project has four components:
A. Civil works:
It consists of the following three sub-components:
B. Electro-Mechanical Works:
This component consists of mechanical and electrical works divided into two sub-components:
C. Technical assistance and capacity-building:
This component consists of the following five sub-components:
D. Emergency response:
This component will draw resources from the unallocated expenditure category and allow the Government of Nepal (GoN) to request the Bank to re-categorize and reallocate financing from other project components to partially cover emergency response and recovery costs. This component can also be used to channel additional funds available as a result of the emergency.
Through this consulting assignment, the project intends to implement environmental and social mitigation measures as a part of technical assistance and capacity building component of the rehabilitation project.
Actual services provided by the firm within the assignment:
The scope of the service of the consulting firm is limited to implementation of mitigation and enhancement measures and monitoring works at periodic interval for key project activity sites of KGAHPPRP. The scope of services is as follows: