
Selection of Project Supervision Consultant (PSC) for Assisting Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) in Supervising the Contracts of DSEUP (AIIB)

Funding Agency:  AIIB-Nepal
Client: Nepal Electricity Authority
Date: February 2023 – February 2025

The services aim at providing high-quality professional services to assist NEA in supervising and implementing the project and to ensure that the project will be completed according to the schedule and that the completed project will deliver the quality, capacity, performance, reliability and economic life as required by the Employer's requirement defined in the turn key contracts with the contractors.

 The services provided by the firm are as follows:

A) Project supervision

  1. Review and advise the NEA on approval of the contractor's detailed design in accordance with the Employer's requirements and technical specifications in the contract.
  2. Provide oversight of all aspects of the construction in order to ensure that it is conducted properly in accordance with the contract. The PSC shall produce Progress Reports of the construction works as per the Reporting Requirements.
  3. To ensure quality in project implementation, develop and implement a Quality Assurance Program (QAP) as mentioned in the bid documents. The QAP shall ensure that the plants and equipment supplied and installed meet the performance standards and technical characteristics of the technical specifications. The QAP shall cover all aspects of the project implementation including
  • review and approval of design; quality of works during construction;
  • monitoring schedule;
  • inspection of materials before shipment (including type tests, and acceptance tests), upon arrival, and upon erection;
  • review of documents to ensure the quality of delivered goods and comparison of as-built drawings to designs.

4.  assist DSUEP in implementing and managing the overall contract of the project including but not limited to recommendations on Bill Verification, Extension of Time, Variation, etc.

5. ensure that the Contract Execution is in accordance with the contract schedule, NEA's requirements, and technical specifications as specified in the contract agreement, and advise NEA to take necessary steps in due course.

6. supervise the testing and commissioning. All components of the Lines, substations, SCADA, communications, and protection will be subject to an acceptance test to demonstrate their capability to meet warranted design criteria.
7. hand over the completed project including the issuance of completion certificates, provisional acceptance, and final acceptance certificates to NEA.

B) Implementation of Environmental and Social Safeguards

The PSC shall carefully study all the Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Brief Environmental Study report, Indigenous People Development Plan (IPDP), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), and other relevant E&S documents prepared for all the subprojects, and assure the implementation of all the prevention/remedial measures proposed in those reports.

C) Capacity Building of NEA staff

The PSC shall perform a needs assessment and develop a training program for NEA staff working on the project as PSC's counterpart staff. The training program shall include poles and tower foundation design, 33KV and higher voltage class substation design, protection system coordination and distribution system planning, and loss reduction techniques.