
Detailed Feasibility Study of Kaligandaki- Tinau Diversion Multipurpose Project – 104 MW

unding Agency: Government of Nepal
Client: Department of Irrigation
Date: Jul 2016 – Dec 2018

The main objective of this study is to perform a Detailed Feasibility study of the Kaligandaki-Tinau Diversion Multipurpose Project.

A. Hydropower Development Plan – Install capacity of power generation of 104 MW, Length of Tunnel – 30 KM, Diameter of tunnel – 9, Net head available 182 m and Design discharge – 81.96 m

B. Irrigation System Development Plan – command area – 106600 ha. , Main Canal 52 Km, Left Main Canal 14 Km

C. Development of Hydropower system  route, which includes detailed engineering design for the following:

    1. Development of diversion water to powerhouse location
    2. Conveyance of diverted water to the powerhouse location
    3. Development of a hydropower system across the diverted water – this may involve the location before the diverted water enters the Tinau River and / or one or more locations along the Tinau River itself.
    4. Conveyance of this water into the Tinau River; and
    5. Development of a Transmission line for evacuation of power to the required grid/location to promote energy supply

D. Review of irrigation facilities in the proposed command area with the water diverted off Kaligandaki River via Tinau River, which is involves the following :

1. Water assessment study for irrigation facilities and Diversion facilities; and

2. Financial study of the total irrigation systems

Total Cost of the Project – Nrs. 40,004,977,870.05

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  1. Inventory survey of irrigation systems within the project itself
  2. Assessment of the total cost and benefit of the project and carrying out cost-benefit analysis
  3. Prepare detailed planning, design, cost estimates, drawings, and report
  4. Prepare detailed drawings, bills of quantities, and tender documents for contracting the works of the project
  5. Construction material survey and seismic activity investigations
  6. Assessment of the need for hydraulic model tests to confirm the design features of the headworks and desanding basin and preparing the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the same; &
  7. Conclusions and recommendations for further work
  8. Review of reports and current status of the existing Irrigation Facilities in the project command area
  9. Field investigation

I.     Topography Survey

II.     Final site selection

III.     Hydrological, meteorological and sedimentation data collection and field measurement; hydrological and meteorological data collection shall be done for all streams pertinent to the final water resource assessment

IV.     Verification of previous investigations

V.     Construction material survey and testing

VI.     Logistic surveys