Consulting Services for Designing M&E/MIS System for RWSS sector in MoPPW of the GoN- WB
Funding Agency/Client: Government of Nepal/ The World Bank
Date: June 2009 – Dec 2009
The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation sector in Nepal, facing a large challenge to reach the Millennium Development Goals, requires and receives a lot of attention, from numerous governmental agencies, local and international NGOs, and international donors. A sector wide approach however is lacking. Stakeholders have always followed their own strategies more or less independently, and a decent overview of the current status is absent. Moreover the technical status of the water supply schemes often deteriorates within several years. In 2004 a sector policy was developed, followed in 2005 by a Strategy Paper on National Monitoring and Evaluation of Nepal’s RWSS Sector, the latter involving a wide range of stakeholders. As a result of this, the M&E unit was established in the MoPPW. Up to 2009 the M&E unit has not been able to perform its tasks in line with the strategy, due to the lack of real alignment within the sector, and to difficulties in obtaining monitoring data at all levels. The project aims at developing a feasible M&E approach as well as MIS/DSS to manage and analyse monitoring data, in order to support among others the introduction of performance based budget allocation. Whilst developing the M&E/MIS/DSS, the project further supports the Government of Nepal in aligning the stakeholders in the sector, to improve overall sector performance and service delivery, with the higher goal to improve livelihoods and reduce poverty.
The Government of Nepal and the wide array of stakeholders in the RWSS sector (Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board, Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads of the Ministry of Local Development, the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation, the Association of District Development Committees of Nepal, NGO Nepal Water for Health ‘NEWAH’, etc) seek to improve water supply and sanitation in the rural areas of Nepal, in order to meet or rather exceed the Millennium Development Goals. The project develops an M&E strategy and a supporting web based Management Information System and Decision Support System for the M&E Unit in the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works. Project outputs are based on the Results Framework developed by the project. Project results are used to assess current status of the RWSS sector on a regular basis and to facilitate performance based budget allocation.
Overall Services provided by firm:
TMS was responsible for supporting development of a RWSS sector Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) strategy and approach, involving Participative Monitoring as well as usual Data Flows; development of a Results Framework for the sector, including Inputs, Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts; Development of a web based Management Information System (MIS) for the sector to assess current status vis-à-vis Millennium Development Goals (MDG); Development of a web based Decision Support System (DSS) for the sector; Development of a website for the WASH sector (Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene); Development of a Operation & Maintenance Framework and Manuals; Perform a Sector Situation Analysis; Perform Training Needs Assessment and Capacity Building Work Plan; Develop Change Management Plan and support Stakeholder Awareness and Facilitation as well as Sector Alignment; Perform Training of Trainers in the IT Induction Programme; The MIS/DSS system was being integrated into a GIS-based Water Management Information System using the LIZARD GIS software.