Environmental & Social Risk Screening and Scoping Visit and Gap Analysis of existing E&S Documentation – 220 kV Transmission Project Lekhnath – Damauli, Nepal


Funding Agency: Kfw Development Bank
Client: Nepal Electricity Authority
Date: July 2017 – September 2017 

The project consists of two substations (one existing one in Lekhnath, Pokhara, which will be expanded and a new substation in Damauli) as well as about 40 km of 220 kV transmission line in between. Also, there is one switching station along the transmission line alignment to interact between the existing 132 kV Transmission Line and the proposed 220 kV Transmission Line.

Overall Services provided:

    The scope of work of consultants will include but not limited to the following tasks:

    Task 1: Support for planning meetings in Kathmandu and site visit

    TMS will support ERM with organizing meetings (e.g. communication with NEA) and the site visit (transportation, organizing accommodation).

    Task 2: Site Visit

    TMS shall provide staff members to accompany ERM to stakeholder meetings in Kathmandu and to the project site. The site visit also included both environmental and social status observation and the likely impacts as a result of project development along the alignment proposed by NEA, ESSD.

    Task 3: Gap Analysis and Reporting

    TMS shall support ERM in preparation for the Gap Analysis and shall be responsible for the compilation of the Applicable Standards, in particular the Nepali regulations related to environmental and social studies.